As reported by the BBC News, receptionists at general practices in Darlington have sent an open letter to patients demanding an end to the abuse they are receiving
A recent survey by the Darlington Primary Care Network from approximately 80 staff at 11 GP practices, found 85% had suffered a form of abuse and some from physical abuse.
Staff responded that they were regularly “shouted and sworn at”. Some even reported to “have been spat at” and “threatened with being set on fire”.
The letter, published in The Northern Echo, described the extent of the abuse and that receptionists were often being told “if I die it will be your fault”.
Most general practices felt more pressure during the COVID pandemic and introduced new ways of treating patients, with face-to-face appointments typically being replaced by telephone consultations.
The receptionists also included the impact of this abuse, one commented “it all builds up – I go home, get in the shower, and cry my eyes out”.
The open letter concludes with a plea to the public to “please, be kind, and think before you shout at your GP receptionist – would you like someone to treat a member of your family like that?”.
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