As reported by the BBC News, a GP in Swindon has said that his race prevented him from proceeding in the recruitment process for a senior role
Dr Jason Seewoodhary believes “race was a confounding factor” in his unsuccessful application for the position of a GP training programme director.
“They didn’t implement equality and diversity measures.
“Therefore we cannot be certain that the recruitment wasn’t confounded and someone was appointed based on characteristics that I don’t have and maybe more favourable to a panel unconscious biases” Dr Seewoodhary added.
He added that doctors from ethnic minorities often leave Swindon because of the lack of promotional prospects, one reason why the town has a shortage of GP appointments.
Josephine Fliski from Healthwatch Swindon, said residents find it “very difficult” to get in touch with surgeries to make an appointment in the town.
Regional postgraduate dean and responsible officer for the South West, Geoff Smith, commented: “We are committed to improving our recruitment processes to ensure that the best and most able candidate is appointed through a fair and inclusive process.
“Steps we are taking to improve our recruitment process include training panel members, the introduction of cultural ambassadors for recruitment, representative panels and taking steps to develop a training faculty that is more representative of our doctors in postgraduate training programmes.”
NHS Health Education England did not but has said it is “committed to improving recruitment”.
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