NEWS: NHS Staff Retention Schemes Cut Leavers

As reported by Wired Gov, a new NHS initiative has helped slash staff departures, keeping thousands in the workforce through flexible working and better support

NHS staff retention schemes have helped cut the number of workers leaving the health service to one of its lowest levels in over a decade, according to new analysis.

A new review of the NHS’s People Promise staff retention initiative found that the number of leavers fell by an average of 11.8% for organisations involved in the pilot – with those implementing more interventions improving their leaver rates the most.

The programme, which has been led by NHS England since April 2022, supported 23 NHS organisations and has since been expanded to support a further 116 organisations – including more mental health and community trusts, as well as primary care and ambulance services.

Around 4,500 staff members were supported to stay in the health service thanks to the programme. The report found that efficient use of e-rostering, supporting flexible working and flexible retirement and local listening sessions for staff had the biggest impact on improvements to leaver rates.

Minister for Health, Stephen Kinnock, said: “NHS staff have been overworked for far too long, but it’s great to see initiatives like these keep thousands of them in the workforce. We know there’s still a lot to be done to alleviate pressures on staff and to fix the broken NHS. Through our Plan for Change we are turning the NHS around, boosting productivity and giving staff the tools they need to deliver the best possible care for patients.”

NHS England has published its annual guidance for the NHS for the next financial year which will focus on delivering faster treatment for hundreds of thousands of patients.

All local NHS organisations are expected to reduce their reliance on temporary staff and deliver at least a 30% reduction in agency spending (based on current spending), equivalent to around £650 million to invest in the frontline.

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