When to charge for hepatitis B vaccinations
When can practices charge? We look at the three areas of travel, occupational health and medical/lifestyle reasons Travel Hepatitis B immunisation is NOT paid for keep reading
When can practices charge? We look at the three areas of travel, occupational health and medical/lifestyle reasons Travel Hepatitis B immunisation is NOT paid for keep reading
An avoidable and costly episode that raises concerning questions about governance CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on The keep reading
As reported by the BBC News, young children outside of high-risk groups are now being offered the COVID jab Thousands of children are already signed keep reading
As reported by BBC News, small changes to periods can follow a COVID vaccine but they quickly return to normal, a leading UK menstruation expert keep reading
As reported by BBC News, the health secretary says it is the professional duty of NHS staff to be vaccinated against COVID Speaking at the keep reading
As reported by BBC News, more than four million adults in the UK have not yet had a first COVID jab and 16m have not keep reading
Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners in Northern Ireland, Dr Laurence Dorman has praised the exceptional contribution of GPs and practice teams across keep reading
As reported by BBC News, pregnant women are being urged not to delay getting their COVID jab or booster in a government campaign More than keep reading
As reported by BBC News, one in four adults aged 18 to 35 years old in Hertfordshire have not yet had a COVID-19 vaccine, figures keep reading
Carmel Loughlin, practice manager, discusses how working in general practice at the moment reminds her of some classic television programmes and movies When I was keep reading
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