Which general practice workforce initiatives can be accessed in England?
This short guide is designed to inform GPs, PCNs and LMCs about workforce initiatives and schemes that can be accessed in England The following schemes keep reading
This short guide is designed to inform GPs, PCNs and LMCs about workforce initiatives and schemes that can be accessed in England The following schemes keep reading
Helen Ellis – PCC lead for facilitation and the personal and team development programme – has an exciting announcement about help in implementing the community keep reading
Now is the time to invest in general practice – not to try to reinvent the wheel through wholesale change, writes Farah Jameel, GPC England keep reading
Locum guidance for employers includes factors to consider when employing a locum and how to get reimbursements What all locums must have: All locum doctors must have the keep reading
Steve Maleham and Helen Simmonds of PCC discuss the latest toolkit for primary care networks During mid-November 2021 we saw the launch of the latest keep reading
The BMA give some simple tips on how to make your practice more accessible for your patients while ensuring you are compliant with the standard keep reading
This guidance is to help GPs decide whether they should formally apply to close their practice list, or if informal list measures would be better keep reading
This guidance is to help GPs decide whether they should formally apply to close their practice list, or if informal list measures would be better suited keep reading
As a tenant, it’s important to be aware of what costs can be recovered by the landlord through service and property management charges, what the keep reading
GP practices’ responsibilities – including checks, audits and disposal bags – when it comes to disposing of clinical waste Clinical waste is that which could be keep reading
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