Which movie are you currently starring in as a practice manager?
Carmel Loughlin, practice manager, discusses how working in general practice at the moment reminds her of some classic television programmes and movies When I was keep reading
Carmel Loughlin, practice manager, discusses how working in general practice at the moment reminds her of some classic television programmes and movies When I was keep reading
Helen Salisbury, a GP, discusses the power of continuity of care This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on The BMJ A new keep reading
Carmel Loughlin, practice manager, discusses why despite experiencing tough times and challenges it is always best to look for silver linings Throughout the pandemic working keep reading
Former chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners Professor Maureen Baker explores how self-care can impact patients’ health and relieve pressures on the NHS keep reading
William Greenwood, LMC chief executive, lead governor for a specialist FT hospital and chair of a local patient participation group, discusses how legislation and ICSs keep reading
The health service in England is undergoing its first major legislative reform in almost a decade This is an edited version of an article that keep reading
People working in healthcare experience grief professionally as well as personally and societally. Attitudinal shifts are needed to improve access to formal and informal support, keep reading
Carmel Loughlin, practice manager, discusses why despite experiencing tough times and challenges it is always best to look for silver linings Throughout the pandemic working keep reading
The health service in England is undergoing its first major legislative reform in almost a decade This is an edited version of an article that keep reading
AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine has rarely been out of the news—and the headlines show no signs of abating. Jacqui Wise explains how miscommunication and politics created keep reading
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