E-cigarettes could be available on NHS to tackle smoking rates
As reported by BBC News, E-cigarettes could soon be prescribed on the NHS in England to help people stop smoking tobacco products The Medicines and keep reading
As reported by BBC News, E-cigarettes could soon be prescribed on the NHS in England to help people stop smoking tobacco products The Medicines and keep reading
As reported by BBC news, funding for healthy-lifestyle support such as stop-smoking and obesity clinics has been cut by a quarter in six years in keep reading
As reported by BBC news, NHS prescriptions for gardening and dancing are “vitally needed” to help tackle rising levels of loneliness after lockdown, people suffering keep reading
Pharmacy teams working in all sectors have an important role to play in prevention and embedding public health practice in their everyday roles, says Gul keep reading
As reported by The Guardian, research has found that huge NHS costs could be cut by offering cash incentives for smokers New research shows that keep reading
A new study in The BMJ shows that investment in tobacco control is more important than ever Investment in tobacco control is more important than keep reading
Raising the legal cigarette purchase age to 21 would cut smoking rates in young people even further, an expert has told the BMJ As published keep reading
The BMA has responded to a new report detailing cuts to smoking cessation service budgets The British Medical Association (BMA) has stated that recently-announced government keep reading
NHS England’s national clinical director for cardiovascular disease prevention, Matt Kearney, looks at the NHS Long Term Plan and its ambitions for preventing heart attacks keep reading
Funding for smoking cessation services has been cut by 36% between 2013-2017, the Labour party claims. The numbers of people who smoke may be at keep reading
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