Challenging the appointment-first model
The traditional “appointment-first” model is facing scrutiny. Jacob Haddad, CEO and co-founder of Accurx, explores how flipping the script could hold the key to a keep reading
The traditional “appointment-first” model is facing scrutiny. Jacob Haddad, CEO and co-founder of Accurx, explores how flipping the script could hold the key to a keep reading
In the intricate world of Practice Management, where time is of the essence, finding ways to streamline financial tasks is a game-changer. This quick guide keep reading
In the realm of general practice, a growing predicament looms large. The prevailing system is geared towards the collaboration of practices at the Primary Care keep reading
Listening is a superpower, and it’s vital that practice managers know how to wield it – discover some tips below CREDIT: This is an edited keep reading
William Greenwood, LMC chief executive, lead governor for a specialist FT hospital and chair of a local patient participation group, discusses the importance of your keep reading
Carmel Loughlin, practice manager, discusses how working in general practice at the moment reminds her of some classic television programmes and movies When I was keep reading
GP contractors are eligible for rental reimbursements – but the type of reimbursement depends on who owns the building The BMA splits rental reimbursements into keep reading
We all need an extra pair of hands at times, and practices have experienced an increase in workload which can be alleviated by more staff. keep reading
Samantha Rigby, First Practice Management’s HR specialist, on how having effective HR policies will make the life of a practice manager easier One of the keep reading
Samantha Rigby, First Practice Management’s HR specialist, on how having effective HR policies will make the life of a practice manager easier One of the keep reading
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