NEWS: NHS trials game-changing lung test
As reported by NHS England, the NHS begins a large-scale trial of a blood test that could revolutionise early lung cancer detection and treatment for thousands The keep reading
As reported by NHS England, the NHS begins a large-scale trial of a blood test that could revolutionise early lung cancer detection and treatment for thousands The keep reading
As reported by The Times, thousands of older patients with advanced lung cancer will be able to live longer thanks to a treatment breakthrough A keep reading
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has responded to a Guardian article called ‘Late diagnosis of lung cancer hitting survival rate, study says’ that keep reading
False positive cancer diagnoses can cost the NHS millions every year and cause a devastating emotional impact False positives in cancer diagnosis cost NHS millions keep reading
Improved referral of cancer patients can be achieved through greater access to diagnostic tools, according to the RCGP The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) has keep reading
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