Government sets out new pledge to ‘streamline’ targets in primary care
A new pledge to streamline targets in primary care was made two days ago at the NHS Confed Expo where the government set out proposals keep reading
A new pledge to streamline targets in primary care was made two days ago at the NHS Confed Expo where the government set out proposals keep reading
How is the CQC assessing local authorities now that they have been given new assessment powers? CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article keep reading
Federated data platforms have the potential to improve the efficiency of the healthcare sector and create better outcomes for patients and staff CREDIT: This is keep reading
As integrated care systems continue to support GPs, Ben Gowland asks whether leadership is the key to set priorities and establish practices CREDIT: This is keep reading
As integrated care systems continue to support GPs, Ben Gowland asks whether leadership is the key to set priorities and establish practices CREDIT: This is keep reading
Jonathan Finch, web content editor for First Practice Management, discusses why it is important to ensure you have a plan in place for succession An keep reading
The primary care flexible staff pool arrangements reflect the People Plan commitment to establish GP banks, and replaces the Locum Support Scheme commitment made in keep reading
William Greenwood, LMC chief executive, lead governor for a specialist FT hospital and chair of a local patient participation group, discusses how legislation and ICSs keep reading
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