Federated data platforms have the potential to improve the efficiency of the healthcare sector and create better outcomes for patients and staff
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on NHS Employers
A ‘federated data platform’ means that every hospital trust and integrated care system (ICS) has their own platform but are able to connect and share information between these. They will provide trusts and ICSs with a set of core capabilities and nationally-developed solutions. Initially, these solutions will focus on supporting five key NHS priorities:
- Elective recovery: to address the backlog of people waiting for appointments or treatments which has resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic and winter pressures.
- Vaccination and immunisation: to continue to support the vaccination and immunisation of vulnerable people whilst ensuring fair and equal access and uptake across different communities.
- Population health management: to help integrated care systems proactively plan services that meet the needs of their populations.
- Care co-ordination: to enable the effective co-ordination of care between local health and care organisations and services, reducing the number of long stays in hospital.
- Supply chain management: to help the NHS put resources where they are needed most, and buy smarter so that they get the best value for money.
Better outcomes and experience for people
A more efficient NHS means a better service for patients, reduced waiting times and more timely treatment. The platform will provide ICSs with the insights they need to understand the current and future needs of their populations so that they can tailor early preventative interventions, and target health and care support. Patients will have more flexibility and choice about how and where they access services, and receive care, helping them to stay healthy for longer.
A better experience for staff
NHS staff will be able to access the information they need in one secure place. This will reduce the time they spend chasing referrals, scheduling appointments and waiting for test results, allowing them to work more flexibly to deliver high quality care for their patients.
A federated data platform will also provide trusts and ICSs with the capability to develop their own digital tools that address their most pressing operational challenges, and enhance their ability to make informed and effective decisions.
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