As more people are working from home, and others are adapting their working lives around recent advice to stop the spread of COVID-19, we’ll be sharing suggestions to keep you mentally and physically healthy over the coming weeks
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Happiful
Team Happifulare now working remotely to do our bit to slow the spread of coronavirus, and chalking up some learning in the process (as well as cooing over each other’s pets during online conferencing!).
Here are our seven tips for creating a positive daily routine if you find yourself working remotely.
Keep your alarm set!
Sticking to a familiar routine helps – it’s still a work day! Keep your alarm set to its usual time and get showered and dressed by the time you’d usually be leaving the house to commute to work.
Continue your commute
As you’re not heading out of the house to get to your work place anymore, introduce a local walk into your routine before you start work,. This has a number of benefits – fresh air, connection with nature and it punctuates your day. You won’t move seamlessly from bed to desk, which would be no good for either your brain or body. Just remember to stay two metres away from other people you pass on the way.
Check-in with your colleagues
Connect with colleagues using online calls at the beginning of the day; this provides an opportunity to share concerns, workloads or how you might be able to help each other. It’s easier to hide issues behind emails and the written word, but seeing and speaking to other people regularly helps to open up a dialogue and keep communication positive.
Upgrade your lunches
No soggy sandwiches for you anymore! Stepping away from the computer and making lunch from scratch, reading a book for half an hour, or sitting outside if you can, will give you a break from screens and continual updates on the virus.
Mark the end of the day
Like your new morning ‘commute’, develop a ritual to end the working day. If you can, put your computer away, tidy your working area, and try an indoor workout. We enjoy a HIIT with Joe Wicks, love the work Movement for Mums is doing and there are loads of other free workouts online too.
Try something new
Use extended time at home to try new things – listen to a different type of podcast (try ‘podcast pot luck’ – listen to the first thing you spot on iTunes), watch a programme you wouldn’t have thought to before, or read that book you keep meaning to start.
Keeping your brain active, as well as your body, is just as important.
Prioritise sleep
We all know that stress and uncertainty can change our sleeping patterns, so try to be mindful of this. Just like waking, keep to your regular bedtime and add in some relaxation before you hit the hay. Try Annie Day’s Yoga For Sleep and check her out on instagram.
Finally, keep phones and scrolling far away from the bedroom!
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