The first PMA Awards ceremony has taken place at the 2021 Best Practice Show hosted at the NEC in Birmingham last week
Thousands of healthcare professionals attended the show across two days, which including presentations on many of the key issues currently facing primary care, including Learning the lessons of COVID, Care Navigation in a post-pandemic world and the GP-led digital revolution.
Speakers at a packed PMA Theatre included practice manager Bernadette Hughes who spoke about managing GP practice finances and a lively session with positive psychologist Julie Hurst on resilience and wellbeing for practice managers.
Following hundreds of nominations leading up to the show and a tough decision for the judging panel, the PMA award winners then received their accolades, including Paula Elliott and the management team at The Brimington Surgery in Chesterfield taking PMA Primary Care Network Manager of the Year and Jenna Johnstone of Peterloo Medical Centre in Manchester winning PMA Practice Manager of the Year.
It was Kelli Charlett of West Cheltenham Medical Practice who won PMA Reception Manager of the Year and Sarah Rhodes-Bickerdyke of the Avicenna Medical Practice in Bradford who collected PMA Practice Business Manager of the Year.
Across all categories, the winners demonstrated a dynamic input to practice, PCN or other healthcare environment which were of real value to the practice, the PCN and the patients.
Two of the top awards were presented to primary care manager Tracy Dell – PMA Outstanding Contribution to General Practice and Lifetime Achievement Award.
“It is such a proud moment to receive two PMA awards at Best Practice,” said Tracy. “I’m so lucky to have a great practice team, supportive partners and fantastic colleagues at the Caritas Practice.”
Tracy’s colleagues at the Caritas Group Practice in Halifax, wrote on her nomination: “Tracy is a brilliant individual who has made a real difference to our practice and PCN performance, and those of all the others she has supported. She has a real and genuine commitment to professionalism and the delivery of patient-focused services.”
Ian Jones, PMA’s operations director said: “It’s really important – especially in the current climate – to celebrate our successes in primary care and all of our winners have gone above and beyond the call of duty in very difficult circumstances over the last 18 months.”
The full list of award winners and those highly-commended is below:
Reception Manager of the Year 2021
WINNER – Kelli Charlett, West Cheltenham Medical Practice
Primary Care Network Manager of the Year 2021
WINNER – Paula Elliott & the Management Team at The Brimington Surgery
HIGHLY COMMENDED – Caroline Brown, Shrewsbury Primary Care Network
Practice Business Manager of the Year 2021
WINNER – Sarah Rhodes-Bickerdyke, The Avicenna Medical Practice
Practice Manager of the Year 2021
WINNER – Jenna Johnstone, Peterloo Medical Centre
HIGHLY COMMENDED – Megan Goring, Pallant Orthodontics
HIGHLY COMMENDED – Luthfa Ali, Brick Lane Surgery
Outstanding Contribution to General Practice 2021
WINNER – Tracy Dell, Caritas Group Practice
HIGHLY COMMENDED – The Reception Team, The Manor Surgery
HIGHLY COMMENDED – The Partners, The Brimington Surgery
Lifetime Achievement in General Practice Award 2021
WINNER – Tracy Dell, Caritas Group Practice
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