NEWS: New cancer vaccine trials

As reported by ITV News, Southampton’s Clinical Trials Unit will fast-track thousands of patients into innovative cancer vaccine trials, aiming to revolutionise treatment options

Thousands of patients will be given fast-tracked access to trials of personalised vaccines.

These vaccines are a type of immunotherapy which helps and destroys cancer.

The ‘matchmaking’ service aims to help find life-saving treatments, with the University Hospital Southampton being one of the first to open to the programme.

Professor Gareth Griffiths, Director of Cancer Research UK Southampton Clinical Trial Unit, says: “Cancer vaccines have the potential to improve the way we treat the disease, particularly for those cancers where treatment options are currently limited or very demanding on patients’ bodies.

“Although there have been some trials of cancer vaccines in the past, there are a new generation of vaccines that that are personalised to individual biological features of a patient’s disease.

“We are delighted to have been chosen to run the national platform which will bring together a number of vaccine trials so that patients can access these trials more easily, improving our research knowledge and hopefully leading to improved treatment outcomes for patients.”

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