NEWS: Sir Julian Hartley Named CQC Chief Executive

As reported by CQC, Sir Julian Hartley, with extensive NHS leadership experience, is set to lead CQC during a critical time for the regulator

Sir Julian Hartley will be appointed as CQC’s new Chief Executive. Sir Julian has been the Chief Executive of NHS Providers since February 2023, prior to which he had a distinguished career as Chief Executive of several organisations, most recently ten years as Chief Executive of Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

Ian Dilks, Chair of CQC, said:  ”I am very happy that CQC will make such a strong appointment to the role of Chief Executive. Sir Julian was chosen from an outstanding field for his significant leadership experience and his experience of contributing to developments in the wider health and social care landscapes.

“Sir Julian is an experienced and highly respected Chief Executive with a track record of leading organisations through challenging times, balancing the need to both improve short term performance and evolve strategy alongside a passionate commitment to improving people’s care. He has a background in health but also has experience in and believes in the crucial importance of adult social care.

“CQC has much work to do to rebuild trust with the public, providers and with our own staff. We also await the findings and recommendations of the final review from Dr Penny Dash and of the review that we have commissioned from Professor Sir Mike Richards. However, I am confident that Sir Julian has the qualities and experience to lead the organisation through the challenges ahead and help to ensure that we make the right changes to become the strong effective regulator that people who use and work in health and social care services need and deserve.”

Sir Julian Hartley said: “I am delighted to be joining CQC at a time when effective regulation which supports improvement across the health and care sector and good, safe care for people who use services has never been more important.

“I have spent my career in the NHS and I will do my utmost to bring all I have learned to serve people who use services and to work with CQC staff and with providers to deliver high quality regulation which drives improvement across the health and care system.”

Sir Julian’s start date is yet to be confirmed. The selection process for Sir Julian’s recruitment was led by CQC’s Chair with the involvement of the non-executive members of CQC’s Board, following open competition.


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