NEWS: Ex-staff steals £20k from GP surgery

Vector of a man holding a magnet in hand stealing money coins from piggy bank.

As reported by Quest Media Network, Kim Allsopp admits to fraud after stealing £22,000 from a Buxton GP surgery over three years

Kim Allsopp’s deceit was uncovered after accountants for the surgery in Hartington found discrepancies in the accounts in September 2022.

When the books were reviewed it was found that £22,000 was missing from the accounts – with no cash payments made for three years.

In October 2019 Allsopp had taken over the sole banking of the cash from payments for prescriptions and other items. The 36-year-old updated the internal systems at the surgery stating that the cash had been banked, when in reality it had not.

She initially denied having anything to do with the missing money, maintaining that she deposited the money and that she had simply lost the receipts.

Allsopp, of Hartington, near Buxton, was eventually charged with fraud by abuse of position and acquiring, using, or possessing criminal property and at North East Derbyshire Magistrates’ Court on 27 June she pleaded guilty to both charges.

She will now be sentenced at a hearing at a date to be set in the future.

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