Investing in proactive care

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In today’s healthcare landscape, the focus is shifting towards proactive care and population health management as efficient strategies to optimise health outcomes while managing costs. Warrington’s Primary Care Network is leading the way in this approach, demonstrating how investing in proactive care can make a real difference

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on NHS England

At the heart of Warrington’s approach lies a commitment to prioritising prevention. Recognising the significance of proactive management in conditions like hypertension, the network embarked on a mission to empower patients and promote meaningful lifestyle changes. The hypothesis was that investing in solving ‘simple’ health problems today would avoid much more costly, and often catastrophic health problems tomorrow.

Swathes of research describe the significant efficiencies to be gained for the whole system by investing in proactive primary care. The NHS Confederation quote around a £14 return on £1 investment, which is astonishing but entirely justified. In Warrington alone, a cohort of 880 patients are estimated to cost over £2 million a year.

Implementing the solution

The implementation of the HealthyYou app marked a pivotal moment in Warrington’s proactive care journey. Leveraging remote monitoring technology, the network identified and monitored hypertensive patients, enabling timely interventions and personalised care plans. This proactive approach not only improved blood pressure control but also significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular events.

The results speak volumes about the effectiveness of proactive care initiatives. Over 500 patients have successfully achieved target blood pressure levels, translating to a tangible reduction in their risk of heart attack and stroke. With an average decrease of around 12mmHg in systolic blood pressure, these outcomes underscore the transformative potential of proactive care.

Scaling up for greater impact

Warrington’s initiative has steadily expanded, gaining momentum and support from the Integrated Care System. With funding secured to roll out across the entire region, the network is poised to amplify its impact, ushering in a new era of proactive healthcare delivery.

Developing a compelling business case

Central to the success of Warrington’s proactive care initiative was the development of a compelling business case. By presenting robust data, analytics, and evidence of success, the network garnered support from key stakeholders, paving the way for sustainable growth and scalability.

Building for the future

As healthcare resources remain finite, the imperative to invest in proactive care has never been greater. Warrington’s journey exemplifies the transformative potential of proactive care investments, offering a blueprint for maximising health value and ensuring a healthier tomorrow for all.

Investing in proactive care is not just about managing costs; it’s about maximising the value of every pound spent on health. By prioritising prevention, embracing innovation, and fostering collaboration, healthcare providers can chart a course towards a future where proactive care is the cornerstone of a healthier society.

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