Information on vaccinations and immunisations for GP practices, including new charges and changes to programmes and the vaccine schedule
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on the BMA
The national arrangements for providing vaccines are set out in the additional services section of the SFE (statement of financial entitlements).
Those vaccines that are provided as enhanced services will have their arrangements outlined in service specifications.
Seasonal Influenza Programme 2023/24
The annual flu letter for the 2023/24 flu programme has now been published. It is expected that the contractual specification for the programme will be published shortly, and further information will appear here once available.
Changes to vaccination programmes for 2023/24
There are a number of changes to HPV and Shingles vaccination programmes for 23/24, which are due to come into force from 1 September 2023.
From 1 September 2023, the routine adolescent HPV programme will change from a two-dose to a one-dose HPV programme for those aged 14 to 25 years in line with JCVI recommendations and to align with the school’s programme.
However, individuals who are immunocompromised and those known to be HIV positive should remain on the three-dose schedule.
Provision through general practice remains opportunistic or on request and eligibility remains up to 25 years of age for girls born after 1 September 1991 and boys born after 1 September 2006.
From 1 September 2023 Zostavax will begin to be replaced with the 2 dose Shingrix vaccine and the cohorts for the Shingles Vaccination Programme will be expanded to include immunocompetent from 60 years, and immunocompromised from 50 years, in line with JCVI recommendations.
2-dose Shingrix vaccine for the current 70-79-year-old cohort with a period of 26 weeks to 52 weeks between doses following the depletion of Zostavax.
NHSE states that practices should replace Zostavax with Shingrix as Zostavax stock depletes.
The expansion of the immunocompetent cohort will be implemented over two five-year stages as follows:
- First five-year stage (1 September 2023 to 31 August 2028): Shingrix will be offered to those turning 70 and those turning 65 years of age in each of the five years as they become eligible.
- Second five-year stage (1 September 2028 to 31 August 2033): Shingrix will be offered to those turning 65 and those turning 60 years of age in each of the five years as they become eligible.
Practice call/recall for the immunocompromised and immunocompetent cohorts as they become eligible for the programme will be implemented from 1 September 2023, as well as catch-up call/recall for the newly eligible immunocompromised 50-69-year-old cohort.
It is expected that NHSE will provide further information on the programme changes and management of the immunocompetent cohort expansion in due course.
For more information on routine child vaccinations, adult routine immunisations, and selective immunisations, click here.
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