Workplace alienation happens when employees feel separated from themselves and others – here’s how to identify if you’re alienating your employees and how to stop this from happening
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Business News Daily
Alienation in the workplace happens when a worker can express individuality only when they are producing work. Employees can become emotionally separated from others and their own feelings when they feel alienated – and it can happen without the employee or their manager even realising it.
Why does alienation happen?
Work alienation can occur if an employee doesn’t feel empowered to speak their mind because their manager doesn’t let them know they want employee feedback, or they might be scared to speak up or think it’s inappropriate to volunteer an honest opinion if their manager isn’t asking for this. Work alienation can also occur if managers aren’t paying appropriate attention to their employees – being in constant communication with employees and holding regular, one-on-one, meetings can remedy this.
If an employee is working remotely while the rest of the team is in the office they might experience work alienation and feel ‘out of the loop’, especially if you host team-building activities, and employees may also feel alienated if they are reprimanded for taking time off. Employers creating a paid time off policy, giving employees holidays and sick days, and being flexible when they have emergencies will make staff feel more valued and seen.
What are the types of alienation?
Alienation comes in several forms, and all are damaging to an employee’s morale and the overall company culture.
- Alienation from production: this type of alienation happens when the worker doesn’t see the final product they’re involved in making; instead, they focus only on a piece of the product and, as a result, they don’t understand their role in the bigger picture.
- Alienation from the act of production: this happens when an employee is only given a set of instructions to complete; they’re unaware of the entire process and never have a role in the whole vision or planning. Maybe they begin to feel that those who create the vision are an elite class.
- Alienation from themselves: by nature, people want to be creative and then implement their ideas. This type of alienation happens when people can’t maintain that part of their humanity; they feel they can’t be themselves and they may even begin to feel like they are not human.
- Alienation from others: this type of alienation tends to happen when workers specialise in a small piece of a larger whole. While it may be suitable for employees to have a speciality, there’s a danger of employees feeling that they’re in a thankless job, and they also may feel they’re missing out on bonding with others.
What does alienation do to an employee?
Alienation makes employees feel like they’re not needed in their jobs; as a result, they feel no loyalty to the company and are eager to look for other jobs. There are many ways organisations alienate employees, sometimes without even realising it. That’s why it’s essential to pay attention to the signs your employees are giving you. Here are some ways you may be alienating your employees, and how to correct things:
- Keeping them in the dark: whenever feasible, give your staff updates on the company’s financial performance and long and short-term goals, and explain what this information means for them and their jobs. Being informed will help employees feel more connected to the organisation.
- Not asking for their input: actively seek feedback from your team members. Keep an open-door policy, as well as an open mind, so that it’s easy for employees to approach you, and encourage other managers and leaders in your company to do the same. You should also reach out to employees who may be uncomfortable voicing their thoughts to ensure their ideas are heard.
- Keeping them boxed in: encourage your staff members to take on new responsibilities and projects; this gives them a chance to build confidence and achieve greater things.
- Ignoring their goals: talk to your team members about their ambitions, and work with them on meeting those objectives. It’s crucial for employees to set career goals in order to feel they’re working toward a larger objective and it is critical that the company support’s their professional aspirations.
- Working them too hard: remind your workers to take regular breaks to recharge, and set a good example by taking breaks yourself. When your team seems particularly stressed, encourage workplace stress-reduction measures, such as taking a collective breather with snacks or a catered lunch.
- Playing favourites: make sure to treat employees equally and distribute the work fairly. You may not realise you’re giving more opportunities and recognition to particular employees, so make a conscious effort to give everyone a fair chance.
- Not valuing them: recognise your employees’ contributions to the organisation, even the small ones. When employees feel appreciated, they’ll care more about their work and put in more effort.
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