A new health centre which was set to house various services – including minor surgery – is expected to be turned into commercial offices, thanks to the rent being too high for the NHS
A brand new health centre is set to be converted into office space without a single patient ever having the opportunity to use it, according to Manchester Evening News.
This is due to the £24m space being unaffordable, according to the NHS. The Altrincham Health and Wellbeing Centre was meant to be a healthcare hub for Trafford, and would have provided a range of services.
Various tenants – including St John’s Medical Centre, Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust and Barrington Medical Centre – were all lined up to move into the building.
However, it has since been discovered by the local CCG that the rental costs of the property are too high for the NHS.
As such, all organisations set to be involved have said they are unwilling to pay the resulting rent.
St John’s said the move would cost its practice £70,000 a year, while Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust would need to cough up £375,000.
Conservative group leader, Sean Anstee, said the news was “deeply concerning” for patients in the area in need of the facilities.
“Some serious questions need answering because taxpayers have the right to know what has happened for things to get to this point,” he said.
“However, right now the priority has to be getting the building occupied as soon as possible.
“I would have expected more visible intervention from those in power to ensure the building is used for its original purpose.
“At the very least, our residents deserve exemplary and modern health services – and we stand by them in pressing for that to remain the case.”
Meanwhile, Trafford’s CCG is planning to convert the building from medical use into commercial office space – costing another £7m.
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