More than 40 system control centres are now operating across the country in a bid to ease pressures on the NHS this winter and as we move into 2023 – what are they, and what are they for?
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Digital Health
The purpose of system control centres (SCCs) is to consistently ensure the safest and highest quality of care possible for the entire population across every area by balancing the clinical risk within and across all acute, community, mental health, primary care and social care services.
The new centres are already live in all 42 integrated care systems (ICSs) in England, operating mostly across integrated care boards (ICB). The intention is that they will manage demand and capacity across the entire country by constantly tracking beds and attendances, taking stock of all activity and performance.
SCCs are very much data-driven, and led by teams of clinicians and experts, enabling rapid decisions to be made in relation to any emerging challenges – including where hospitals can benefit from mutual aid, or to divert ambulances to another nearby hospital with more capacity.
Significant steps towards this model were made during the COVID-19 pandemic and, last winter, when several regions and ICBs created operational control centres. The key question is – as more and more SCCs open across the country, is the NHS heading in the right direction in terms of easing pressures?
A promising development
The emergence of SSCs across the country, and the concept itself, is a ‘good idea’ according to Lee Rickles, director and CIO of the Yorkshire and Humber care record programme, who likens them to air traffic control centres. “The control centres are very much based around an air traffic control centre, where you have all these aircrafts which can only have so much capacity. We’ve got to keep so many circling, and we’ve got to make sure that some are getting fuelled up and that people who are going to fly in the aircraft are in the right place at the right time.
“The principle is brilliant. I think it’s something that will really help us understand whether we are using our resources and if we are using them effectively. The concept of having all the information and data there, with people who can interpret, understand and use it effectively, is a good idea, but you’ve got to have a very blended team of expertise. You can’t just go with a load of ICB ex-contract managers; you’ve got to go in with the people who understand the context locally.”
NHS England revealed in an online publication dedicated to SSCs that they should be developed to deliver improved situational awareness, holistic and real-time management of capacity and performance, co-ordinated action and mutual aid, and improved clinical outcomes.
Despite a centre now operating in every ICS, Lee believes that they need a bit of time to mature and fully-function properly, and says an ICB should not rush into setting up a centre if they aren’t ready.
We are yet to learn about the impact that SCCs will have in both the short term and the long term on the NHS and quality of healthcare. However, Lee believes they have the potential to be a huge help if key decisions are made correctly.
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