Study reveals possible link between pandemic and rise in child and teen diabetes
As reported by the BBC, there has been an unusual rise in the number of children and teenagers around the world diagnosed with type 1 keep reading
As reported by the BBC, there has been an unusual rise in the number of children and teenagers around the world diagnosed with type 1 keep reading
As reported by the BBC, a charity report has revealed that delayed health checks among people with diabetes may have helped contribute to around 7,000 keep reading
As reported by The Independent, the NHS has announced it’s set to prescribe weight loss products for thousands of patients with type 2 diabetes Weight keep reading
As reported by The Guardian, the UK is experiencing a diabetes crisis, with cases topping 5m for the first time and people under-40s becoming increasingly keep reading
Progress may have slipped, but general practices are finding innovative ways to catch up. In Part 2 of this report, Emma Wilkinson reports on calls for more keep reading
Progress may have slipped, but general practices are finding innovative ways to catch up. Emma Wilkinson reports on calls for more guidance on new drugs and more keep reading
As reported by BBC news, about 250,000 people in England have type 1 diabetes, which means the body cannot produce insulin, the hormone that controls keep reading
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