Read again: TikTok making waves for the NHS

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During the pandemic, social media became a lifeline for NHS trusts across the UK, serving as a vital conduit for information dissemination. For Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, leveraging platforms like TikTok has proven instrumental in broadening their reach and fostering meaningful engagement within the local community

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Digital Health 

Although TikTok may seem like an unlikely platform for healthcare-related content, its appeal among younger demographics cannot be understated. Despite initial reservations, the Trust recognised the platform’s potential to connect with ‘harder-to-reach’ segments of the population. With nearly 70% of their TikTok audience aged between 17-34, the platform provided an invaluable opportunity to engage with a demographic traditionally difficult to reach through conventional channels.

Driving engagement through innovation

Embracing TikTok has allowed the Trust to pioneer innovative campaigns aimed at education, patient engagement, and recruitment. By collaborating closely with various departments, they’ve developed a series of impactful videos addressing critical health topics such as diabetic emergencies, sepsis awareness, and EpiPen usage. These campaigns have not only reached hundreds of thousands of viewers but have also sparked meaningful conversations and interactions within the community.

Tools for success

To streamline their social media efforts, the Trust relies on Orlo’s comprehensive management platform. This centralised hub enables efficient campaign planning, post scheduling, and performance tracking across multiple channels. With features like Social Listening and a centralised approval system, the Trust ensures that their messaging remains consistent and resonates with their diverse audience.

Measuring impact and effectiveness

Reflecting on campaign performance is integral to understanding community engagement and impact. Through Orlo’s analytics, the Trust can evaluate metrics like comments, likes, shares, and saves, providing invaluable insights into campaign effectiveness and audience sentiment. Notably, the high number of saves indicates a genuine interest and intent to revisit the content, underscoring its value and relevance.

A platform for education and empowerment

Beyond metrics and statistics, the true impact of these campaigns lies in their ability to empower individuals and save lives. By providing accessible, informative content, the Trust has received heartfelt gratitude from viewers, sparking meaningful dialogues and exchanges. Each interaction represents an opportunity to educate, support, and make a tangible difference in someone’s life.

As social media continues to evolve, TikTok stands out as a dynamic platform with immense potential for healthcare organisations. With the right strategies and resources in place, it offers a unique opportunity to engage diverse audiences, foster community connections, and drive meaningful change. For Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, TikTok represents not just a social platform, but a powerful tool for education, empowerment, and engagement in the digital age.

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