The BBC has reported that a surgery in Cardiff has been told not to close, although it is experiencing leasing problems
NHS bosses have told a GP surgery in Cardiff that it is not allowed to close, despite leasing problems.
The St David’s Medical Centre in Pentwyn has been struggling to agree a lease with its building’s landlord; as such, the partners want to close it, offering services at the Pontprennau practice a mile away,
This idea has, however, been shunned by the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, and the dispute must be resolved.
This is following a recent campaign to save St David’s which was borne of patients’ fear about having reduced access to care – particularly vulnerable patients.
A letter from Stephen Allen, chief officer of the Cardiff and Vale Community Health Council, said the council opposed the closure and believed the idea was being put forward “purely due to a contract dispute”.
Reacting to the board’s decision that the practice should not close, Allen said: “We’re very happy with the outcome – common sense has prevailed.
“Let’s hope further negotiations take place between the NHS, the practice and the landlord that can resolve the situation, and patients can be assured of receiving services from there in the future.”
Joe Carter, who represents Pentwyn on Cardiff council, added: “We will wait and see how the partners respond to this.
“If they truly don’t want to run this centre the contract should be given back to the health board to find alternative doctors who will run it.”
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