To mark the 70th birthday of the NHS chief executive Simon Stevens has sent a ‘heartfelt’ thanks to staff
The message, published in part on the NHS England website, commended the achievements of 1.5 million doctors, nurses, ambulance staff, therapists, porters, caterers and countless others who, along with volunteers and those working behind the scenes make up the biggest care team in the world.
In his message Simon said: “Today we’re marking the 70th birthday of the National Health Service. It’s a time for celebration looking back over seven decades when we’re all living a lot longer and healthier – more than 10 years extra.
“We’ve seen amazing medical advances, whether it’s organ transplantations or new cures for cancer or vaccines.
“But the reason why the Health Service does so well is frankly due to the brilliance of the staff.”
Simon’s message marked 70 years since the birth of the NHS on July 5, 1948. The NHS site also drew attention to the thousands of Big 7Tea events are taking place across England to thank staff and raise awareness of NHS Charities, while national celebrations at Westminster Abbey and York Minster will pay tribute to NHS staff and patients.
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