In this report the CQC explores some of the learning about good practice in infection prevention and control, and shares some of the good examples inspectors have encountered in understanding how providers have worked together to tackle COVID-19
The CQC want these insight reports to help everyone involved in health and social care to work together to learn from the pandemic. This includes:
- sharing and reflecting on what has gone well;
- understanding – and learning from – the experience of what hasn’t;
- helping health and care systems prepare better for the future.
Section 1: Infection prevention and control
This section looks at good practice in infection prevention and control in three key settings:
- acute hospital trusts;
- care homes;
- GP surgeries.
Section 2: Provider collaboration reviews
This section introduces:
- the work carried out to understand provider collaboration;
- some early headlines from the work;
- examples of good things encountered through the work.
Section 3: Our data
In this issue CQC regular data is updated, including:
- outbreaks and staff absences in homecare services;
- numbers of deaths of people detained under the Mental Health Act.
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