As reported by the BBC, concerns over the safe storage of medicines in care homes on the Isle of Man have been raised in an independent inspection
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) also found some dentists need to improve infection control procedures.
A spokesperson for Manx Care said many recommendations have already been actioned, while others ‘will take time to deliver’.
She added the report showed any risk to patients was ‘minor’.
The summer inspections on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care, which regulates Manx Care, saw reviews of 13 dentists and 43 adult care settings.
The assessments of adult social care services found staff knew service users and their needs well and relatives felt teams were “kind and caring”.
However, concerns were raised over daily temperature checks not being carried out in medicine storage areas in some homes.
Inspectors therefore “could not be assured medicines were being safely stored in line with manufacturer’s instructions”.
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