Pollen food syndrome: What is it and what do we need to do about it?
What is PFS and what can GPs do to help those affected? Find out more about this surprisingly common condition here from Dr Rob Walker keep reading
What is PFS and what can GPs do to help those affected? Find out more about this surprisingly common condition here from Dr Rob Walker keep reading
As the new dementia diagnosis drive pilot schemes are launched, what impact might they have on diagnosis and treatment across the UK? The NHS Long Term keep reading
Serious shortage protocols have been issued across the UK for three penicillin medicines CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared keep reading
As integrated care systems continue to support GPs, Ben Gowland asks whether leadership is the key to set priorities and establish practices CREDIT: This is keep reading
As group exercise shows big results in the UK, how can you integrate it into your practice? CREDIT: This is an edited version of an keep reading
What is skin cancer and what steps can be taken to prevent it? CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared keep reading
The NHS is looking to prevention to improve population health – how can practice managers make sure their practices work to prevent, as well as keep reading
As the spread of monkeypox starts to slow, what do researchers believe are the possible reasons for this, and what should future preventative responses prioritise? CREDIT: keep reading
Dr Paul Lambden on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis ‘McBurney’s Point’ is. in fact. the precise place at which to insert a scalpel when keep reading
As cases of long COVID continue to rise, it is important that general practice stays on top of the latest figures and guidelines The term keep reading
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