Why mental health care must become a business priority
It’s difficult to think of any single issue which could be allowed to undermine every worker’s worth to their employer by £1,500 each year without keep reading
It’s difficult to think of any single issue which could be allowed to undermine every worker’s worth to their employer by £1,500 each year without keep reading
Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the Royal College of GPs, said: “COVID-19 is a new virus and whilst we are rapidly learning about it, research keep reading
GP practices are still open to treat patients, provide advice and issue prescriptions and GPs want anyone who has a health concern to feel reassured keep reading
It is impossible for GP practices to solve all of society’s ills, says Homeless-Friendly charity founder and GP Dr Zahid Chauhan, but there is something keep reading
Practice Business explores why an easy to navigate, helpful practice website is a modern-day essential, and investigates the healthcare website developers on the market We’ve all keep reading
Responding to new research from Queen Mary University of London, published in the British Journal of General Practice, Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the Royal College keep reading
No-one likes to work under the leadership of an incompetent boss, no matter how good they are at their work. Even if you’re achieving the keep reading
Patients who consult often and widely, and with ‘medically unexplained’ symptoms, can pose a particular clinical challenge. Keith Cooper reports from a service which tries keep reading
As reported by BBC news, government efforts to fight child obesity risk getting lost in reorganisations and delays, a report warns The National Audit office keep reading
We might be working from home, but that doesn’t mean we can’t burn out from stress. The feeling might be a little different from what we’re keep reading
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