Read Again: Battling the Surge in Assaults on Healthcare Staff

Female healthcare worker fighting back a giant fist, protecting herself from work abuse

More than 50,000 incidents of violence against healthcare staff have been reported in the last five years, revealing a concerning trend that demands urgent attention

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on ITVX

The Department of Health has unveiled a new framework, titled ‘It’s not part of the job,’ in collaboration with health trusts and Trade Unions, to address and curb the rising tide of violence and aggression towards Health and Social Care (HSC) professionals.

Dr Eimhear Kearney, an Emergency Medicine Consultant with five years of experience, says she has noticed intensifying verbal assaults and physical violence faced by healthcare staff on a daily basis.

Almira Barro, an emergency department nurse for over two decades, recounts her own experience, ”It’s very stressful and puts a lot of pressure on everyone. Staff sickness increases and with the number of staff ever decreasing and more and more people needing our care, that is a huge added challenge,” she said.

Security measures: A plea for protection

With incidents of violence becoming a distressing routine, Dr Kearney advocates for enhanced security measures, including the introduction of body-worn cameras in emergency care settings.

”Just last week we had to call police to the department managing care and maintain safety in the department and that’s happening on a weekly basis.

”Paramedics already wear body cameras on occasion and I think that will come into the emergency setting soon.”

A closer look at the numbers reveals a disturbing trajectory, with incidents of physical abuse against healthcare staff increasing steadily over the past five years. The year 2022/23 alone witnessed 10,873 reported cases, contributing to a staggering total of 51,595 incidents.

‘It’s not part of the job’: A new framework for change

The Department of Health’s new framework, aptly named ‘It’s not part of the job,’ signals a collective commitment to preventing, reducing, and responding to violence and aggression in the healthcare sector. Developed in collaboration with health trusts and Trade Unions, the framework aims to instigate a paradigm shift in addressing the pressing issue of violence against HSC staff.

The newly published Violence and Aggression framework outlines the HSC’s dedication to preventing, reducing, and managing violence and aggression towards staff. It emphasises the importance of creating a safe and secure environment and ensuring that incidents are appropriately addressed and reviewed to reduce the risk of future occurrences.

As practice managers and other healthcare staff navigate the storm of rising violence, the ‘It’s not part of the job’ framework signals a collective commitment to safeguarding those who dedicate their lives to caring for others. Practice managers play a crucial role in implementing and upholding these measures, ensuring the safety and well-being of the healthcare workforce.


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