As reported by the BBC, virtual wards could be the key to improving healthcare in the future
Doccla, a ‘virtual ward’ company has been working with the Hertfordshire Community NHS trust to care for patients in the comfort of their own homes.
Patients are given suitable technology to be surveyed in their house. They can also keep track of their own health observations and send these forth to a medical team.
Questionnaires are given out to patients and if a ‘red flag’ is spotted, a healthcare professional would get in touch with the patient by calling them or by sending out teams to check on them.
“People want to be in their own homes where they’re surrounded by their own things, eat their own food and sleep in their own beds,” says Elizabeth Kendrick, a medical doctor from the Hertfordshire trust.
The wards are also envisioned to alleviate the NHS’ struggle by minimising hospital admissions and quickening the discharge process.
Doccla‘s founder, Martin Ratz, claims that the NHS saves £3 for ever £1 poured into the virtual wards.
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