As reported by the BBC, NHS services across Coventry and Warwickshire will benefit from a £34m boost
The funding for three community diagnostic centres (CDC) is aimed at reducing waiting times for procedures such as MRI scans and endoscopies.
Health bosses say it is ‘vital’ in helping to provide treatment for potentially life-threatening conditions like cancer. The investment means two new facilities will be opened next year.
Diagnostic services at the Warwickshire North CDC, next to George Eliot Hospital in Nuneaton, are set to be expanded.
South Warwickshire CDC, based at Stratford-upon-Avon Hospital, has already increased access to CT and MRI scans and a dedicated building will be opened on the hospital site to house the new equipment.
In Coventry, a diagnostic centre will be developed at the City of Coventry Health Centre site.
In Rugby, plans have been approved for a new endoscopy unit this summer to increase capacity for CT and ultrasound services. Patients will be referred for diagnostic procedures at CDCs by their GP.
“The new investment will mean more timely and convenient access to vital and potentially lifesaving diagnostic procedures, which is crucial in ensuring that we are able to find and treat illnesses such as cancer quickly,” said Phil Johns, chief executive officer of Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board.
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