NHS launches January campaign against smoking
As reported by NHE, with smoking costing the UK £17bn annually, the NHS initiates a campaign urging 5.3 million smokers to quit The government says smoking costs around £17bn keep reading
As reported by NHE, with smoking costing the UK £17bn annually, the NHS initiates a campaign urging 5.3 million smokers to quit The government says smoking costs around £17bn keep reading
Hiring the right employees is crucial to success. After all, we are only as strong as our weakest link. Successful businesses require a perfect mix keep reading
As reported by GP online, over three-quarters of UK GPs face moral distress, impacting mental health and professional practice, with 40% contemplating leaving due to NHS keep reading
As reported by BBC News, almost three million people underwent urgent cancer checks in the past year, marking a 26% increase The number being tested has increased keep reading
Since 2015, NHS organisations across the UK have been mandated to showcase their commitment to addressing racial equality issues within various staffing aspects through the keep reading
As practice managers, embracing stewardship can empower vital decisions on resource allocation, service quality, and patient outcomes. Here we explore how stewardship can insight value keep reading
As reported by Largs and Millport news, the number of patients registered with GPs surpasses the population estimate, with around 5.8 million ghost patients, leading to calls keep reading
As reported by The Telegraph, as family doctor involvement in appointments drops to 43.9%, critics argue that increased reliance on paramedics and physician associates, funded by the keep reading
By leveraging insights on inclusive and equitable self-care, practice managers can foster a resilient and supportive work environment, ultimately translating into improved patient care and keep reading
As practice managers, dealing with expired medications is a common query, and it’s crucial to provide informed advice. Let’s dive into Dr. Paauw’s insights on keep reading
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