Living with Raynaud’s
Raynaud’s is an extreme sensitivity to the cold, which is sometimes triggered by stress – it is believed to affect 10m million people in the keep reading
Raynaud’s is an extreme sensitivity to the cold, which is sometimes triggered by stress – it is believed to affect 10m million people in the keep reading
As reported by BBC News, a booster vaccine is 88% effective at preventing people ending up in hospital with COVID-19, new data from the UK keep reading
Primary care is under pressure more than ever; with the booster programme in full-swing and winter pressures mounting, it is no wonder that many practice keep reading
Act quickly and collectively to transform global systems for preparedness and response This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on The keep reading
Jonathan Finch, web content editor at First Practice Management, discusses the current social prescribing situation It was reported back in 2016 that around 20% of patients keep reading
The Royal College of GPs has responded to reports of shortages of COVID tests Professor Martin Marshall, Chair of the Royal College of GPs, said keep reading
Chris Hirst, author of No Bullsh*t Leadership, argues that the solution to all organisational problems is better leadership CREDIT: This is an edited version of keep reading
The world is unprepared for global health crises and is not ready for using artificial intelligence for the COVID-19 response, says the World Health Organization keep reading
As a tenant, it’s important to be aware of what costs can be recovered by the landlord through service and property management charges, what the keep reading
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