NEWS: NHS prescription charges to rise again
As reported by The Department of Health and Social Care, new regulations set to increase NHS prescription charges in England by 2.59%, impacting medicine and appliance keep reading
As reported by The Department of Health and Social Care, new regulations set to increase NHS prescription charges in England by 2.59%, impacting medicine and appliance keep reading
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has responded to comments by the medical director for NHS England at the NHS Confed Expo Prof Sir keep reading
GPs and their staff are the bedrock of the NHS Their importance has once again been demonstrated during the pandemic response. Shouldering the lion’s share keep reading
From 1 April 2022 all active members, regardless of age, will be members of the 2015 NHS pension scheme This change means that active members keep reading
NHS Digital figures show that more than 4m general practice consultations have been missed this year In response to the recent data, RCGP chair, Professor keep reading
Now is the time to invest in general practice – not to try to reinvent the wheel through wholesale change, writes Farah Jameel, GPC England keep reading
Responding to the Daily Telegraph front page, based on Policy Exchange’s latest report, highlighting increased spending on NHS bureaucracy and management, BMA Council deputy chair Dr David Wrigley keep reading
Partha Kar, consultant in diabetes and endocrinology, argues that NHS leaders need to be just as diverse as the general workforce CREDIT: This is an keep reading
Now is the time to invest in general practice – not to try to reinvent the wheel through wholesale change, writes Farah Jameel, GPC England keep reading
The ‘New to Partnership Payment Scheme’ (N2PP) is a new commitment from the Update to the GP Contract agreement 2020/21–2023/24, forming part of the suite keep reading
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