GP clinics return to mask-wearing as COVID rates soar in the UK
As reported by the BMJ, Hospitals and general practices have responded to the rising number of COVID cases by again insisting that staff and patients keep reading
As reported by the BMJ, Hospitals and general practices have responded to the rising number of COVID cases by again insisting that staff and patients keep reading
Theodore Bartholomew, GP specialty registrar, and colleagues examine how contracts linking drug payments to effectiveness may affect patient trust and autonomy CREDIT: This is an edited keep reading
Rammya Mathew, GP, argues that now, more than ever, general practice needs a single unified voice CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article keep reading
David Oliver, consultant in geriatrics and acute general medicine, discusses why Sajid Javid’s plans are unlikely to work CREDIT: This is an edited version of keep reading
With uptake of the MMR vaccine falling in the UK, Emma Wilkinson examines whether anti-vaccination sentiment around COVID-19 has played a part CREDIT: This is an edited keep reading
Helen Salisbury, GP, gives her view on the health secretary’s plans for a salaried GP service CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article keep reading
Partha Kar, consultant in diabetes and endocrinology, argues that NHS leaders need to be just as diverse as the general workforce CREDIT: This is an keep reading
New research on long COVID in adults and children supports the multi-disciplinary approach to clinical care that is being provided at long COVID clinics in keep reading
Prepare for maternity leave with the BMA’s checklist of what you need to do and who you need to contact at work, outside work, and keep reading
Scott Weich, professor of mental health, says that the risks are clear and now is the time to learn and respond CREDIT: This is an keep reading
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