Children struggling to see an NHS dentist
As reported by the BBC, more than 50% of children in Swindon do not not have access to an NHS dentist, according to a report keep reading
As reported by the BBC, more than 50% of children in Swindon do not not have access to an NHS dentist, according to a report keep reading
As reported by the BBC, seven British patients who travelled to Turkey for weight loss surgery died after operations there, a BBC investigation into the keep reading
As reported by the BBC, taking a progestogen-only ‘mini pill’ carries a small risk of breast cancer – similar to combined oral contraceptive pills, say keep reading
As reported by the BBC, some adults are waiting five years to be assessed for ADHD because of a sharp rise in referrals, the BBC keep reading
As reported by the BBC, progress being made on tackling the hospital waiting backlog will be put at risk by next week’s junior doctors’ strike, keep reading
As reported by the BBC, health secretary Stephen Barclay is to meet Royal College of Nursing bosses for pay talks later, after the union suspended keep reading
As reported by the BBC, parents whose children have not had a flu vaccine are being offered catch-up clinics in Hull and East Yorkshire during keep reading
As reported by the BBC, ambulance crews reached emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes one hour quicker in January than December in England, figures keep reading
As reported by the BBC, more cases of malnutrition are being seen in Scotland, according to doctors working in some of the most deprived communities keep reading
As reported by the BBC, a lack of bed space at the Isle of Man’s main hospital meant some patients had to spend a night keep reading
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